Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Saya juga mau memposting juga speech saya yang ke-2. Kebetulan ini temanya tentang MEA 2016 ini. Bagaimana cara kita juga untuk menghadapinya. Mungkin kalian bisa baca langsung disini. Oke monggo.

The Importance of English in Globalization

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb and good morning for non Muslim.
            With all due respect to the honorable all the judges this speech contest, all happy audience here, and also all of my friend.
First of all, let us thanks to Alloh SWT. Because of blessings, we all can gether here on this event. Sholawat and prayer we will say to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his friend, and all of his followers.
Let me, introduce myself. Hi, my name is Anna Wahidatul Wardah. I come from Tanwir Vacational High School Surabaya. Here, i would like to deliver my speech.
Ladies and gentlemen,
            Our main topic is about "ASEAN Economic Community". Well, do you know what is ASEAN Economic Community? ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is an ASEAN economic integration in the face of free trade between countries of ASEAN countries. All member countries of ASEAN have agreed to this agreement. AEC is designed to realize the ASEAN insight 2020. In the face of an extremely tight competition for this AEC, ASEAN countries must prepare skilled human resources, smart, and competitive.
            And here, i will make it more specific by discussing the sub topic which is, “The Importance of English in Globalization”.
            Surely we are all aware that we may not be able to live alone without the help of others. We still need the help of someone to fulfill what we need. Communication is a way how a person sends a message to others. Someone will understand what we mean if they understand the language we use, and also we will understand what the other person if we understand the language they use. I honestly say that the role of language is very important, especially in today's era of globalization.
            Globalization is indeed a new term used to describe a situation where nations, communities, or countries have become closer to each other. In this globalization era, the earth seems to be smaller than before. In other words, national borders can no longer function as before. Indirectly we are required to be able to master a foreign language, especially English. Some countries, English was already used as the main language and is not used as a second language. English is taught and learned to be practiced, because this language has very important role.
Ladies and gentlemen,
            Why do we have to learn English? Is it important? Will we get stressed when we learn different language? Probably all of the above questions never existed in our minds. Well Mastering the English is essential. How come? Because in this era, English is required in many fields.
            First, English is the international language. It means that people around the world use English when they communicate with other people from different countries. For example, there are two people. One is from Japan, and the other is from Italy. When they see each other and speak the language of their own, I'm sure they will not understand. But when they have a conversation using English, they will get the point of that conversation. For instance, they can avoid misunderstandings.
            Secondly, English is important for education, especially science. In order to upgrade our knowledge, we have to read a lot. There are many books written in English, if we do not master English we will not get the point of that knowledge. So, English is essential for expanding our knowledge. If our generation is able to master the English, I am sure we will be a better generation and bring our lives brighter than now.
            Thirdly, English is important in business field. In this modern era, it is not easy for us to get a good job. Due to the demand of globalization, many companies require applicants to be able to master the English language both orally and in writing. But the fact, reality surrounding shows that our society are lack in English. On the other hand, there are so many function of mastering English for our daily life. Many student do not realize the importance of English, so the motivation to learn is very low. Especially, when they assume that English is a difficult subject, making decline in enthusiasm and motivation to learn.
Ladies and gentlemen,
            Learning English takes a long time. So, we had to learn English as early as possible. We can design learning English as joyful as possible. So, do you wanna know how to do that? Now I will tell you how to learn English in joyful way.
1. We must have a good willing in learning English. If there is a strong will, it will be easy for us to master that.
2. The most important part of the language is the vocabulary. You can set how many targets. I mean here is vocabulary. That have to be memorized per day.
3. Learn the English grammar. Improve your vocabulary time to time. So you can produce a good sentence of English.
4. To have English listening practice, you can use the songs in English, listening, and compare it with the lyrics of the song. Or you can also watch English TV programs, such as news programs, British film, and education in English.
5. Practicing English. Learning without practice what you have learned, could not make it to be perfect. Start with a simple dialog with people surrounding you.
6. Never give up and feel afraid to make mistakes. Because of the mistake, we can be better than before.
7. Another way to practice English is by joining English competition, such as story telling, competition speech contest, English debate competition, etc.
            In conclusion, we as people who live in globalization era should have a good skill of competing. Especially today, we will face AEC as soon as possible. We have to got ready for that. Prepare our selves by having skills or plus value to complete with another. For example by mastering English. By do so, we will not be a loser that cannot complete with another.
Okay, i think that's enough for my speech. I hope we can take a lesson from what we ingest today. Have a nice day!

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Semoga bermanfaat ya untuk melatih English kalian hehe. Selamat beraktivitas...

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb


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