Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Kali ini saya akan memposting contoh format lomba speech saya dahulu tahun 2015 hehe, temanya tentang :

Teenagers Roles Toward a Local Culture Preservation

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb and good morning for non Muslim.

            With all due respect to the honorable all the judges this speech contest, all happy audience here, and also all of my friend.
First of all, let us thanks to Alloh SWT. Because of blessings, we all can gather here on this event. Sholawat and prayer we will say to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his friend, and all of his followers.
Let me, introduce myself. Hi, my name is Anna Wahidatul Wardah. I'm second grade of Accounting. I come from Tanwir Vocational High School Surabaya. Today, I will discuss the theme of "Teenagers Roles Toward a Local Culture Preservation".
Ladies and gentlemen, as far as I know, the local culture is the culture of each country. Based on the dictionary, the culture is works owned and needs to be preserved by the people, more over the young generation just like us . For the young generation, it is must for us to be more active and concerned about the local culture preservation that we have.
It is very concern condition of declining sense of love and a desire to promote the patrimony. These conditions are sooner or later going to fade. Youth prefer to follow a Western culture in comparison with his country's own culture. Talking about the local culture, Indonesia has a lot of culture abound. One culture that needs to be preserved in my opinion is Batik.
 I think the simplest way to preserve Batik is by wearing it in our daily life. Just like what i do now, i am wearing Batik. Can you see? I’am beautiful with this Batik. Also i still can be stylist with it. Am I right? You have to know that now days many modern Batik are produced. It is up to date to the newest teenager’s style. Many batik products, for example such as Pekalongan batik, Betawi batik, Yogyakarta batik, Indramayu batik, etc.
Besides batik, another local culture that need to be preserved is Speaking culture. Indonesia is proud of politeness. Especially to the elder people. Now days, teenagers often us Bahasa Indonesia. That’s not wrong anymore. But, it will better if we can use Javanese language to the elder people or we called it as Kromo Inggil. But the fact, no one understand even know about it.
Ladies and gentlemen, I will give you the simple examples when we answering a parents call, such as "Nduk?" and we replied "Dalem.." or "Enten nopo buk?". Today, it is rarely smooth teen Javanese language against their parents, even if most of them never try to use that words using the Javanese language.
So, I can conclude that. Remember we are young, we are active, we have a more brilliant future. We should try to introduce and preserve the local culture to the wider community.
Okay, i think that's enogh for my speech. I hope we can take a lesson from what we ingest today. And the last "Preserve, Care, and Keep The Local Culture That We Have".

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Nah, semoga bermanfaat untuk pidato bahasa inggris kalian.

Wassalamu"alaikum Wr. Wb


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